Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Sending in your resume is usually your first step in making a lasting impression to your dream company, so you’ve got to make sure yours is awesome enough. Your resume isn’t the only one the company is looking at, so a good resume must first stands out from the crowd and be distinctive by its own. Most organizations aren’t really fussy about design and simply wants a black – white, easy-to-read resume. That said, if you are applying for a graphic designing job, your resume is a valuable chance for you to flaunt your creativity and for them to gauge your designing capabilities.
innovative resumes Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas
So, all you graphic designers who are out there busily job-searching, it’s time to put on your thinking cap, let the creative juices flow and imaginations run wild! To aid you in your quest for that ultimate job, we’ve gone hunting for 25 really impressive and original resume ideas that some designers have came up with. We believe these ideas will give you head start and stimulate the genius within each of you to come up with that one-of-a-kind resume!

Jane Doe

An infographic CV lets potential employers easily assess the candidate’s skills and experience. Instead of a wordy resume, Jane Doe organizes hers in clear visual icons, bars and circles. (By Jane Doe)
original Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Aditya Wijanarko

A smart mix of stunning red and pale yellow-brown colour resembling envelopes. The typography used in this booklet-like CV is captivating as well. (By Aditya4art)
dearsir1 Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Daniel Starr

Clever use of cluttered texts, which are made all the more unique using neat typographies. Black, white and shades of grey, along with the use of red, allows for greater readibility by partitioning sections in an orderly manner. (By Daniel Starr)
danielstarr Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Mario Cobos

Creative reference of the CV to the candidate’s mind by using the sketch of the anatomy of supposedly his brain. (By Mario Cobos)
mariocobos Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Kim Stassar

This CV beautifully illustrates the flow of various developments and events across the job-seeker’s life. The various colorful ‘bulgings’ of the lines indicate the different kind of skills she acquired during several stages of her life. (By Kim Stassar)
kimstassar Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Jonathan Wakuda Fischer

Military booket-style resume pokes fun at the Communist ideology. An original idea for presenting your resume to your future bosses. (By Wakuda)
wakuda1 Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Sean A. Metcalf

The creator stylishly transformed the classic qualities of a newspaper into a contemporary piece of CV to impress his employers. An awesome way to showcase to them how ingenious you can be. (By Sean A. Metcalf)
aspiring Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Thomas Budd

Tom didn’t only send out his resume, he sent a mini-Tom as the messenger for his resume. (By Thomas Budd)
thomasbudd Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Andrew Lyons

A sharp-looking inforgraphic resume with the effective utilization of sleek circular bars to demonstrate skills and experience attained. (By Andrew Lyons)
andrewlyons Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Jenn Gerlach

Cartoon-like resumes not only advertise your specialty, but also express your cheerful personality. (By Jenn Gerlach)
jenngeriach Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Vincent Donnet

Complexity has its own beauty. This intricate visual chart is aesthetically pleasing with its magnificent multi-layered drawings that showcase the designer’s skills and experience at different periods of his life. (By Vincent Donnet)
vincentdonnet Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Mike Wirth

A time-line concept for this resume, using various colors to signify the types of skills acquired over the years.(By Mike Wirth Art)
mikewirth Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Ritwik Dey

Akin to the one above, LifeMap is a timeline visualization but has cleaner and neater feel to it. The colors are gradients of yellow, red and brown, which reminds you of a magma underbeneath Earth. (By Ritwikdey)
lifemap Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Greig Anderson

Words aren’t enough to serve as evidence of your designing skills. This large piece of foldable poster consist of pages of your portfolio as well as your CV, and yet it’s portable to be brought around. (By Effektive)
CV mailer 18 Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Eiric Shriner

Instead of adding your passport-sized photo in your resume, why not add in a drawing of yourself? (By Eshriner)
eiric Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Scott Stedman

A circular time-line graph with labelings and line chart to denote achievements and knowledge picked up throughout life till now. (By Powerpointer)
scottstedman Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Robbie Bautista

Attractive typography, pie chart and a cutesy drawing of the creator himself. Pretty much what it takes to lighten up the mood of the recruiter and capture his or her attention. (By Pyrotensive)
robbiebautista Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Robin Pirez

This CV is not only well-classified into discrete sections to facilitate the person reading it, it’s also delightfully designed with adorable icons and drawings. (By SteamRobin)
steamrobin Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Phil Lagettie

Applying as a photograph, there’s no better way to express your passion for photography than to design a resume inspired by a camera. (By Rkaponm)
photographer Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Francis Homo

Similarly, a silhouette can be included in your CV, especially in companies which discourage the inclusion of your portrait photo. In any case, it’s a brilliant attempt to make yours stand out. (By Darthkix)
francishomo Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Landin Hollis

An adorable drawing for your resume makes it looks like something out of a comic strip. (By L Hollis Photography)
landinhollis Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Ayesha Malik

An elaborate yet elegant design for a CV,with soothing light blue background and charming small fonts to further sweeten the deal. (By Ayeshaflavord)
artnouveau Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Gloria Edith Escalera Manzano

Wow, this girl seems to be sailing against all odds in the sea that is her life, earning all sorts of experience and skills. It’s a nice employment of the metaphor to a CV. (By Arbrenoir)
arbrenoir Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Olaf Takens

An amusing comic drawing of the job-seeker attempting to pull up his employment and educational history like a PC plug. Such resume would definitely brightens up the recruiter. (By TakoII)
curriculum Land Your Dream Job With 25 Innovative Resume Ideas

Adam Balazy

Many word-based resumes are cluttered, but not this one. Words are nicely spaced, so you don’t get the overwhelming feeling from seeing too many words at one go. On top of that, you see a pleasing colorful illustration on the right to fill up the empty spaces. (By Balazy)
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